Why I Clear Negative Imprints During My Professional Clearings

Negative imprints are the residual energy that we carry within ourselves as a result of past traumas, belief systems and experiences. These imprints can manifest as negative thought patterns, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and physical ailments. As a Professional Master Clearer & Soul Point Journey Guide, I have seen firsthand the impact that negative imprints can have on the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional health and wellness of an individual.

Everything in this universe can be imprinted; everything has its own unique energetic signature and its own imprint.

This includes:

  • Energy

  • Thoughts

  • Crystals

  • Water

  • Humans, animals & plants

  • Cells in your body

  • Anything with a crystalline structure

  • Anything with an electromagnetic field

  • Houses, offices, furniture,

  • Jewelry & clothing

Negative imprints can be formed in many ways. They can be created by traumatic events such as abuse, neglect, and loss. They can also be formed by negative belief patterns passed down by parents and other authority figures. Furthermore, they can be picked up through interactions with others or by simply being present in negative environments.

One of the primary reasons that negative imprints can be so damaging is that they can manifest in ways that aren't immediately visible. We may not be aware of the thoughts, emotions, and feelings that we carry with us on a daily basis, and yet they play a monumental role in shaping our experiences and interactions with the world around us.

You may be bombarded with negative imprints from your environment, other people's thoughts or actions, negative relationships and the list goes on. Everything is in a constant state of being imprinted. Imagine you’ve moved into a home where divorce, arguing, and bankruptcy occurred; the imprints of these events are left behind in the home and can affect the lives of the new homeowners. In some instances, the same events have the possibility of happening again to the new owners (I feel terribly about whoever moved into the home I lived in with my ex-husband!).

Maybe you purchased a property where wars and massive death occurred, this could affect you and anyone else who lives on this property. Sometimes areas are not haunted by dead people but by the imprints they leave behind. As a Professional Clearer ® I clear these negative imprints from people, places, and things!

As the daughter of an avid thrifter, I am constantly telling my Mom to be extra cautious with all the things she collects; antiques and jewelry have the propensity to hold imprints from previous owners. Have you ever heard of psychics that use a person’s jewelry to tune into their client? That’s because jewelry can have the propensity to hold imprints from its owners… current AND previous. I don’t like used clothing because no matter how many times I wash them, I can actually feel the previous owners! 

How can we avoid creating negative imprints? 

One way to prevent their impact is by recognizing and acknowledging them. By becoming aware of your thought patterns, emotions and feelings that are shaping your experiences, you can begin to release them and make way for lighter and more positive imprints. 

But what happens when the imprint takes hold? While energy clearing can take many forms, from meditation and visualization to the use of crystals and other energy healing techniques, sometimes the imprint is so deep that it needs something more. Of course, one of the most effective ways I’ve found for clearing these types of negative imprints is with a Professional Clearing.

Another effective technique for releasing negative imprints after a clearing is to engage in a Soul Point Journey with me. This process involves tapping into the root of the negative imprint, which can often reside in one of your past lives. During the Soul Point Journey, you gain insight and integrate the root point of the energy that you’ve been carrying with you into your current life. By identifying and integrating that Soul Point, it enables you to heal the negative imprints from past lives, freeing yourself from the patterns that have been holding you back.

Negative imprints are harmful and can impact every aspect of our lives if left unchecked. Clearing these imprints through Professional Clearing techniques and Soul Point Integration Journeys, I help you pave the way for more positive experiences, greater self-understanding, and a healthier, more fulfilling life that is truly filled with joy, abundance and love.

Jessica XO


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